Tuesday 28 December 2010

JoJo - You Chose Mine Lyrics

JoJo - You Chose Mine Lyrics:
You were supposed to be my strength, you call yourself my best friend
So how can you pretend that you did another role when obviously you did
You were supposed to be dull, no matter with what or how
But you threw that out the window, where you leaved me with the love blow
You could of picked anybody in the whole wide world to love
But you chose me, how could you choose mine?
Could of picked anybody in the whole wide world to love
But you chose me, how could you chose mine? Without meaning
You was supposed to be my ace, the matron of my win game
And that supposed to never want to see your face ever again
Now our kids will never get to play together
All because you messed it all up forever
You threw that all out the window when you hit me with the love blow
Could of picked anybody in the whole wide world to love

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